Entries in General Bucket (64)
Great People Is What Makes Life Worth Living
I had a set of meetings today with the senior leadership of HISG-USA that reminded me again of how great people is what makes this journey all worthwhile. I have been blessed to be surrounded by many wonderful people and incredible leaders. Collective, it's their heart for Jesus, the kingdom, their generosity, integrity, love for people, maturity, lack of pettiness, humility, true desire to see the Kingdom advance and God be glorified that moves me, inspires me and humbles me. I feel overwhelmed by it, like it's more than I can take. I feel overtaken by the goodness of God. And it brings home again the point of this life - it's all about people and relationships. Giving my kids hugs and goodnight kisses this evening just accentuated the feeling. All the money in the world couldn't buy the richness and inexpressible joy of family and friends and great comrades. Thank you Lord.
Interview with John Piper
John Piper sits down with Mark Driscoll to talks about his life:
Growing up as the son of an evangelist, the godly relationship of his
parents, a very real look at his marriage, and the adoption of his
daughter. A wonderfully candid and honest interview that brings out the human side of Pastor John Piper and encourages us that behind every giant of a man, is a man. Very helpful, instructive and encouraging for all us aspiring leaders that the glory comes in human, clay vessels.

Pastor Tim Keller at Google
While the following video stands alone as a wonderful presentation (for those of you that take time to peruse this blog), this post is primarily for those in our church. Because I'm currently doing a teaching series called "Conversing with Skeptics" based on the book "The Reason for God" by Tim Keller, this clip has particular relevance. There's so much to take away from this talk, but the most important thing I want our members to see is how Christianity holds up under the most intelligent of audiences. Arguably, Google has the most intelligent work force as a company on the planet (I can post their hiring standards some other time to prove my point), and thus we have the perfect "laboratory" for witnessing the robustness -- or as Pastor Tim says -- crunchiness of Christianity. This is great stuff.

Tiger Woods Fix - Part 2a
Just in case you thought Tiger's "rubix cube" putt was due to special effects or fancy film editing, catch this behind the scenes shot of the putt. He really, really did it. What could possibly be next? He steals the show even when he's not playing!
Tiger Woods Fix - Part 2
Ok...as if walking on water wasn't enough, catch this. Tiger hits a rubix cube into the cup. You gotta be kidding me! No wonder he makes addicts out of us.