I had a set of meetings today with the senior leadership of HISG-USA that reminded me again of how great people is what makes this journey all worthwhile. I have been blessed to be surrounded by many wonderful people and incredible leaders. Collective, it's their heart for Jesus, the kingdom, their generosity, integrity, love for people, maturity, lack of pettiness, humility, true desire to see the Kingdom advance and God be glorified that moves me, inspires me and humbles me. I feel overwhelmed by it, like it's more than I can take. I feel overtaken by the goodness of God. And it brings home again the point of this life - it's all about people and relationships. Giving my kids hugs and goodnight kisses this evening just accentuated the feeling. All the money in the world couldn't buy the richness and inexpressible joy of family and friends and great comrades. Thank you Lord.