Entries in Life Changing Sentences. (2)

"Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership."

John Maxwell is famous for this statement, probably the defining sentence of his writing and speaking career.  Having been involved with leadership and leadership training at some level for nearly 20 years, I have really dialed into the statement as the key way to catalyze, initiate and impart lessons of leadership.  It's one of those sentences that contain a world of instruction, content and insight.  It's the key that starts my leadership engine, and precipice over which other leadership thoughts flow.

"Budgets Are Moral Documents."

I first read this quote when it was attributed to Jim Wallis, President of Sojourners.  That was about  a year ago.  The force of this thought didn't hit me until recently when I realized budgets are a great way to execute ones value, convictions and vision in a tangible way.  I used to see budgeting as a necessary evil, something I had to do to be a "good steward."  But now I see budgets as a powerful tool to create dialog, sharpen vision, and provide accountability and consistency for what one really wants to get done.  It becomes a servant, not a master.  Hence, the annual budgeting cycles is an exciting prospect of leadership, envisioning and execution, not just creating spreadsheets and passing papers out to the board.  I'm sure many understood this essential connection to budgeting a while ago, I'm just glad to join the crowd.