Entries in General Bucket (64)
Tiger Woods Fix - Part 1
With Tiger out of action, I have to admit I've been going through withdrawals. So what does he do? He still finds a way to amaze us and thrill us! Catch this video...hilarious spoof on his "superhuman" abilities. You gotta love it. Thanks Tiger for the fix.
US Vice-Presidential Skit (Funny!)
Well, as much as one may not like Saturday Night Live material, one has got to admit they are funny. Here is a skit that is really so vintage SNL, you just gotta applaud them for their creative genius, no matter what your political persuasion is. The costumes (perfect), impersonations (dead on - especially Sarah Palin), laugh lines (clever, clever, clever) are so entertaining. There are a couple subtle "adult" lines, (but most kids don't read my blog), so it'll pass. It's nice to pause and laugh in the midst of a serious election.
The Freshness of Fall
Summer is over. Fall is here (at least approaching). I love the freshness of a new season. The buzz of summer activities have died down. The kids are in their school routine. Everyone's back to work. Clearly the rhythm of our culture cycles more around the 9-10 month academic year than the 12 month calendar year, even if you don't have kids in school or go to school yourself. Summer is the time for vacations, and the other nine months is for sowing, reaping, plowing and getting promotions. It's all good.
I'm looking forward to working with great people in our 5 Stones family to see big dreams come together in action-oriented ways. My Fall prayer: "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done."
Hawaii: Mid-Vacation Report
Well, our family just hit the half way point of our mini-family reunion in Hawaii (Wakiki and Ko Olina), compliments of Grandpa and Grandma Kao (thanks Mom & Dad!). Here's a quick update...
10. Being far away from home (Vancouver, BC) really helps one unwind. Helps you leave behind the nitty-gritty details of work and ministry.
9. The ocean actually does wash away stress - amazing therapy.
8. It's easy to get a nice tan. (No more pasty looking white feet, or "cottage cheese" looking legs as my mom likes to put it)
7. Being away from the nitty-gritty details helps one see and meditate on the big picture. Very helpful.
6. Learned a new water recreation activity - paddling on stand-up surf boards, something invented by photographers that needed to take pictures of surfers before there was water-proof cameras. A unexpected hit with the kids - couldn't get them off the boards!
5. It's a total blast getting tossed around like a rubber ducky by the ocean tides.
4. Seeing 80 year sea turtles crawl onto the beach for some sun!
3. It's a great opportunity to teach the kids thankfulness (it's not everyday one gets to vacation in Hawaii).
2. Family memories and bonding grows - with grandpa & grandma, and with own family.
1. Having devotions by the ocean; God seems nearer.
Lotsa pics and albums to follow when we return home.

No Single Job Description Fully Defines Anyone
In 1814 an American lawyer was held captive on a Royal Navy vessel where he viewed Britain's assault on Baltimore. From the ship, he watched the English rockets' distinctive glare as they sailed against the dark sky. Fighting continued all night, but at dawn the American flag still waved.
Although Francis Scot key was an attorney, history remembers him as the write of the American national anthem. Since he was no songwriter, his lofty poem was put to the tune of a popular drinking ditty.
No single job description fully defines anyone. We are all a unique bundle of gifts, talents, callings, and yes personalities that defy perfect categorization. We are one of a kind. "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." Eph 2:10. We are all masterpieces.