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3 Cornerstones of a Incubator Church*

#1 - Incubate leaders and their ministries, known as the A12 rule or the Assignment of 12.  Specifically the senior pastor signs on to raising up and releasing up to 12 full-time ministers in his life time, in the tradition of Jesus himself who raised up 12 apostles.  This is the legacy mandate.

#2 - 10 x 100 rule.  Rather than raise up one church of 1000 people, raise up 10 churches of 100.  This is a multi-site city strategy to better penetrate and incarnate the gospel, while releasing more leaders to do the work of the ministry.  It's meant to facilitate a viral church multiplication model.   This is the impact mandate.

#3 - Boutique church - one pastor, one church, one purse.  This is the 1 x 1 x 1 rule.  The purpose of this rule is to keep the pastor close to the people for the purpose of shepherding them into the Lordship of Jesus.  This is the discipleship mandate.  Additionally, it's to raise up a congregation that can finance the livelihood of one full-time minister.

 * Being proto-typed in Vancouver, BC (5 Stones Church)

Posted on Nov 24, 2009 at 11:35PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in , | Comments2 Comments | References1 Reference

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  • Response
    Lovely Web site, Maintain the excellent job. Thanks!

Reader Comments (2)

Interesting model, Rich. Is it something you have been working with for a while or are you currently launching it? Regarding #3, how do you address the variations in resources depending on the community the church is serving? The Boutique Church concept seems to assume adequate and comparable resources within any given "100".

November 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterK Powell

Hi K....This is the model that has been emerging from our church plant in Vancouver; it represents a consolidation and crystallization of what we've been working on.

Stats show, and experience shows that a committed congregation in North America can typically support one full-time minister. That's what happened here, and I believe it's a good rule of thumb.

November 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRich Kao

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