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10 Benefits of R & D Groups

Small group idea:  Not "Research & Development" groups but "Read & Discuss" groups; in essence it's like a facilitated book club, except in our case it will be for spiritual growth.  I'll be leading one soon, and there's a few things I like upfront about this format. 

One, it involves accountability because everyone has to read. 

Two, it's interactive, as there will be lotsa open questions and dialog, thus high participant involvement. 

Three, it allows us to capitalize on great books, classics or recently released. 

Four, it takes a load off of having to prepare materials, when better stuff is already out there. 

Five, it's facilitated, so quality control is there, and wonky conclusions are not propogated. 

Six, it's a great vehicle for me to deepen people's devotion and discipleship through critically acclaimed writings. 

Seven, it's a great way to increase knowledge that people can go back to; they have to buy the books. Prov. 23:23. (With sermon listening, they may not take notes, and if they do, they may not go back to them). 

Eight, it forces people to just read (a great life skill). 

Nine, expands people's teaching diet; not just having to listen to me on Sunday's.

Ten, they can turn around and "teach" others - multiplication!

Our first round of reading will be Mark Driscoll's trilogy series entitled "A Book You'll Actually Read"...1) On the New Testament, 2) On the Old Testament, and 3) On Who is God?

Posted on Jan 11, 2010 at 11:55PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in , | CommentsPost a Comment

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