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Pastor Tim Keller at Google

While the following video stands alone as a wonderful presentation (for those of you that take time to peruse this blog), this post is primarily for those in our church.   Because I'm currently doing a teaching series called "Conversing with Skeptics" based on the book "The Reason for God" by Tim Keller, this clip has particular relevance.   There's so much to take away from this talk, but the most important thing I want our members to see is how Christianity holds up under the most intelligent of audiences.  Arguably, Google has the most intelligent work force as a company on the planet (I can post their hiring standards some other time to prove my point), and thus we have the perfect "laboratory" for witnessing the robustness -- or as Pastor Tim says -- crunchiness of Christianity.  This is great stuff.

Posted on Sep 18, 2008 at 10:53PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in , | CommentsPost a Comment

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