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2 Kinds of Discipleship

2.jpegThere are two kinds of discipleship:

1. Self-mentoring - "Build yourself up in the most holy faith."  Jude 1:20
2. Assisted mentoring -"You have countless tutors, yet not many fathers."  1 Cor. 4:15

In self-mentoring, we take it upon ourselves to grow our faith through the 3 step process I mentioned in my earlier post MAKING DISCIPLES DEFINED.    In assisted-mentoring, we have someone that helps us along this path.  Of course, ideally, we have both of these two dynamics at work, so that we have as much reinforcement as possible.  There is currently a dearth of spiritual fathers, and a real cry for spiritual mentors.  I believe God is turning this around, but we must not decry this situation and let it be a reason for us to not become vibrant disciples.  Self-mentoring is really being mentored directly by God as we give ourselves to studying the bible, learning to love Him, and walking it out.   And many times, it's those one-on-one with God the father that provides the most lasting lessons. 

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Posted on Apr 7, 2008 at 04:40PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | CommentsPost a Comment

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