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The Servant Dad Illustrated

simpsons-dad-400a0604.jpgWe talk a lot about the servant leader.  Now comes the servant Dad.  "Dad, can you help me with my math?"  Sounds of pencil scratchings.  "Dad, can you pump up my volleyball?"  Sounds of forced air injections.  "Honey, can you lift the rice bag up on the counter for me (we're an asian family).  Sounds of heavy lifting.  "Dad, will you pay for my text-messaging this month?  No hitting golf balls this month.  "Dad, can you help me find out if magnetic fields run at right angles to applied currents?  Sounds of typing into google field.  "Dad, can you come downstairs to get a can of paint with me? I'm scared to go down by myself."  Sounds of heavy footsteps following light footed feet.  "Honey, when we celebrate Christmas this year, can you make sure to help me put up the lights?  and also replace the little light bulbs burned out (noooo problem, just what I was thinking).  Honey-do list just grew 7 months ahead of time.  "Dad, can you play with me." Sounds of playing H-O-R-S-E.  "Dad, can you come to my computer?  What is it?  Just come!"  No, you can't post that picture of me on Facebook -- servanthood has it's limits.   Now, lest you think this happens over a span of a week, this is a REAL TIME illustration that happened over the last hour!  Servanthood - with four kids and one wife (we believe in the New Testament model!) - is all about INTERRUPTIONS, being available and dying to your own schedule and work.  Now you know why I can't wait for the kids to go to bed - so I can interrupt God with all my requests!

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Posted on Apr 7, 2008 at 04:03PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | CommentsPost a Comment

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