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Judging a Book by It's Outline

JudgeCover.jpgRecently bought a counseling book on the strength of it's outline.  I was wanting to update my library with some fresh marriage materials, but didn't have time to read the book more in-depthly at the bookstore.  Just finished it.  Except for the outline, I'm sorry I bought the book.  I didn't judge the book by its cover, but I did by it's outline.  I got fooled.  The outline is great, in fact I'll use it for future, but I won't be recommending anyone to buy the book.  The nine topics the author recommends to discuss in preparation for marriage are:  kids, careers, money, family, home, roles, leisure, and religion.  Solid stuff, but after that, not so solid.  Lesson: This experience in book buying reminded me that my previous habits of vetting a book's contents in part by endorsers, and success on the best seller list is good metric.  Not fail safe, but certainly improves one's chances of getting a good book.  This book had neither.  :(

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Posted on Apr 7, 2008 at 08:48PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | CommentsPost a Comment

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