Well, our family just hit the half way point of our mini-family reunion in Hawaii (Wakiki and Ko Olina), compliments of Grandpa and Grandma Kao (thanks Mom & Dad!). Here's a quick update...
Top 10 Benefits of a Vacation in Hawaii.
10. Being far away from home (Vancouver, BC) really helps one unwind. Helps you leave behind the nitty-gritty details of work and ministry.
9. The ocean actually does wash away stress - amazing therapy.
8. It's easy to get a nice tan. (No more pasty looking white feet, or "cottage cheese" looking legs as my mom likes to put it)
7. Being away from the nitty-gritty details helps one see and meditate on the big picture. Very helpful.
6. Learned a new water recreation activity - paddling on stand-up surf boards, something invented by photographers that needed to take pictures of surfers before there was water-proof cameras. A unexpected hit with the kids - couldn't get them off the boards!
5. It's a total blast getting tossed around like a rubber ducky by the ocean tides.
4. Seeing 80 year sea turtles crawl onto the beach for some sun!
3. It's a great opportunity to teach the kids thankfulness (it's not everyday one gets to vacation in Hawaii).
2. Family memories and bonding grows - with grandpa & grandma, and with own family.
1. Having devotions by the ocean; God seems nearer.
Lotsa pics and albums to follow when we return home.
Article originally appeared on (http://richkao.squarespace.com/).
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