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Fighting Depression

Jn 16:33.  The question is not if we will have trials in this life, but when we do, how will we handle them?  King David said, "I am exceedingly afflicted, revive me O' Lord according to your word (Ps. 119:107).  If there was anyone that had reason to be depressed, it was the young man Joseph.  And in my message, I trace the seemingly unending chain of events that beset Joseph and how he could have easily and frequently been given to depression.  Yet, like King David, Joseph knew his comfort had to come from the Word.  And in my message I explore Joseph's most famous statement, "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good."  Joseph fought depression by seeing the providence of God.   So we too can be revived, comforted and strengthened by this truth when facing any trial.  For full message and powerpoint, click here.

Posted on Apr 27, 2009 at 11:47AM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | CommentsPost a Comment

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