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Day 21 - PPS 

Great evening of discussion with church planting expert & coach Kevin York, whose church planting team is overseeing 2000 churches globally with 70 current church plants under way.   Our discussion was a real answer to prayer regarding our direction and determination to "crack the code" in this city.   Some key thoughts about church plants:

> leadership (most growth barriers are not spiritual but structural),

> fire (do your eyes light up when taling about your city),

> coaching (having those that can ask penetrating questions),

> missional (one size does NOT fit all; each plant must be customized),

> humilty & strength (level 5 leadership),

> gospel-centered (it must stumble people),

> and above all, love. 

Kevin is one of the busiest guys around, so to get some time with him was a real treat.

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