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Conversing with Skeptics

This is the title of my next teaching series, which I'm really excited about.  I've been brewing on this and thinking and pondering this topic for the last several months.  I'll be using Pastor Tim Keller's book "The Reason for God" as a primary source as well as other collected resources including some of CS Lewis' writings.  I really enjoy the rigorous thinking required to tackle this topic, although I'll admit it  takes more energy than normal.    This kind of material is dense reading requiring frequent pauses and periods of reflection and distillation.    But I hope to really equip our people to converse well with skeptics, in a reasoned, intelligent, informed and confident manner.  Every soul is precious, which will be a key thought in my opening message.

Posted on Sep 5, 2008 at 06:35PM by Registered CommenterRichKao | CommentsPost a Comment

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