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US Presidential Politics

I've been resisting jumping into the fray, but  my friend Lee Grady, editor of Charisma magazine put me over the top with his little "status" one liner on Facebook.  Plus, I love politics (i.e. the domain of governing).  Had I not gone into science and then the ministry, I think I would have enjoyed some kind of role in politics.  (I like business too, and architecture, and marketing and advertising and money management...I'm digressing, but it's true).

McCain vs. Obama.    Tried and tested vs. inspirational and new.  Pro-life vs. Pro-choice.  Less tax vs. more tax.   Military hero vs. college professor.    Surge vs. no surge (no war in the first place).   Older vs. younger.  White vs. Black.   From line of famous fathers vs. no father.    Judicial restraint vs. judicial activism.    Straight talking vs. eloquent.   Bi-partisan record vs. none yet.    Historic (would be oldest sworn in president) vs. Historic (would be first black president).   Senator (4 term) vs. Senator (half a term).   Pro-drilling vs. no drilling.    A bit creaky (due to being tortured during war) vs. ripped (did you see him surfing in hawaii?).   Conservative / independent vs. most liberal voting record.  Palin (Wow. Girl power at its best) vs. Biden (safe).  This will be an election in which the choices are perfectly clear. 

I really like Obama and his visionary power.  I also like his ability to articulate, communicate and inspire.  After years of "W" I sure wish there was a minimum speaking threshold.  Here in Canada, with their parliamentary system, no candidate as inarticulate as Bush could make it.  The parliamentary system vets people speaking ability.    I like Obama's stance toward the poor, his penchant for diplomacy, his openness to intellectual discussion and rigor (another weakness of Bush who is high on the intuition side; nothing wrong with intuition except when wisdom should prevail).   But that's about as far as I can go with Obama.   There are so many issues where he lands on the wrong side for me, even radical side, which I could not entrust to him as president. 

McCain, while not inspirational in the speech making sense, nevertheless has a proven track record of working in a bi-partisan way, a proven record of going against his own party when he thinks it's in the country or voters best interest,  has demonstrated his sense of service and sacrifice, and would inspire great confidence and loyalty as a commander-in-chief (CIC). In the end, McCain's record and life are very sound and inspirational to me (although Obama's own life story is very stirring as well).

With both conventions having coming to a close, the battle will certainly be pitched until election day.  Who "wudda thunk" Sarah Palin would have lit such a fire in the party.  Amazing turn of events.  It will be an interesting finish.

Note:  We may be facing an election here in Canada even before the US.  That too will provide lotsa drama.  Stay tuned.
Posted on Sep 3, 2008 at 03:33PM by Registered CommenterRichKao | CommentsPost a Comment

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