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Small is the New Big

Having just been in a room last week with mega-church pastors from all over America, this article by Seth Godin (irrepressible beloved marketing guru) sure made me feel better!  (Actually, I'm super happy for my mega-church pastor brothers; after all; it's us small guys that make them feel mega!) Being pastor of a church of under 10,000 (code for 125!), Seth's "Small is the New Big" insights really tickled me - not because it justifies my size (big or small, God loves us all), but because there are some really neat nuggets in it.  My philosophy:  Big is great.  Small is great.   But, I love the Craig's List vs. eBay comparison.  If I can have the influence of ebay, but stay at the size of Craig's list, then I'm all over the Craig's List model.  Here's Seth's great article.

Posted on Oct 26, 2008 at 08:37PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | CommentsPost a Comment

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