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RefTagger Tool

I found a great new tool by called RefTagger that lets you annotate posts with scriptures references which will then pop up in the context of your sentence or paragraph when you mouse over it.  It's a fantastic tool.  I encourage everyone that manages blogs to go get the code at their site.  Here's an example of how it works.  I've been meditating on this passage from Rom. 8:26 and realizing from the context that one of the main purposes for the gift of tongues is to fortfy us against sins and the temptations of the flesh.  In using RefTagger, I just typed the scriptures reference in my editor window, and then when I publish it, the reference will pop-up whenever wants to see the entire quotation.  Super neat!  It'd be great if someone could develop such a tool for powerpoints!

Posted on Oct 26, 2008 at 07:01PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | CommentsPost a Comment

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