Entries in General Bucket (64)
Why I Love Mark Driscoll
This little interview with DL Hughley is why I love Mark Driscoll. He's witty, funny, honest, unflinching, all the while maintaining biblical integrity about a "hot" topic. In just five minutes, Mark wins over DL, and that's all it takes to become a fan of Mark. You can see why his congregation is 8000 strong in a city where getting eight Christians together is a feat. It's thrilling to see God raise up someone like Mark Driscoll for this generation. (Warning: some of the questions will make you blush, and you may not agree with Mark's answers, but that's not my main pt).

One Year & Counting: Vancouver's 2010 Winter Olympics
The excitement is rising. Here's a recent pick-up from the national media.
I get to be like Mark Driscoll
Well not quite...but here goes my fame by association. He's pastoring in a great Pacific Northwest City (Seattle). I'm pastoring in great Pacific Northwest City (Vancouver). He's got a big family (more the four kids). I've got a big familiy (four kids). He's got a rockin wife (blonde version). I've got a rockin wife (jet black version). He's great at telling jokes. I'm great at laughing at 'em; his in particular. His church is in the thousands. My church is under thousands. He loves Macs (laptops specifically). I love Macs (laptops specifically). He loves to stu
dy the bible. I love to study the bible. Now, here it gets juicy...I will be using the exact same Mac bible study software as him -- Logos software for Mac; see his enthusiastic post here, per his recommendation -- which means I will be imitating & mimicking him as we study for our respective messages each week. Is that intense or what! Long live Rich Driscoll, or is that Mark Kao?
iPhone becomes a beautfiul instrument...no kidding!
It never ceases to amaze me the things that show up in the Apple product world. See this clip below of the iPhone turned into an Ocarina, a pan-flute sounding instrument. The sound is rich and gorgeous. No wonder its become the top iphone app. Follow the other clips, at the end, including Kumbaya. So fun.