Why I Love Mark Driscoll
Feb 13, 2009 at 10:32PM
RichKao in Church Planting, General Bucket

This little interview with DL Hughley is why I love Mark Driscoll. He's witty, funny, honest, unflinching, all the while maintaining biblical integrity about a "hot" topic. In just five minutes, Mark wins over DL, and that's all it takes to become a fan of Mark. You can see why his congregation is 8000 strong in a city where getting eight Christians together is a feat. It's thrilling to see God raise up someone like Mark Driscoll for this generation. (Warning: some of the questions will make you blush, and you may not agree with Mark's answers, but that's not my main pt).

Article originally appeared on (http://richkao.squarespace.com/).
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