On Passing of the Debt Ceiling Bill in the House Today
My take: Despite the all exaggerated statements by both Republicans & Democrats about each other and the president, I do NOT believe they were devils on either side. And I do NOT believe one side understood the stakes better than the other. I DO believe both sides tried their level best to do what was best for the country. It just came down to different "world views" and ideological / philosophical differences on HOW to address the debt. Democratic representation is meant to approximate the people's sentiments and views. I believe the massive struggle over this bill DID represent the deep seated differences in America, and I DO believe the "compromise" bill was PERFECT in it's non-perfect details. Both parties had to swallow some bitter medicine, b/c the country is not perfectly on one side or the other. The Tea Party seems to have come out a bit ahead regarding their agenda, but that's what should have happened b/c that's what 2010 mid-term elections signaled. In the end, the bill in all it's messiness and aggravation did reflect (IMHO), the electorate. To me that's an amazing display of democracy at work, and shows why countries like US are so great. Of course I have my own convictions of what was right and wrong in this bill/debate, but one my one opinion won't rule; it's blended in with everyone else (although I know my "opinion is right"!) Democracy is an imperfect system of governing, but by golly it did what it's advertised to do. President Lincoln said democracy is a gov't "by the people and for the people." We have to live with that until the end of the age, and in the meantime, we must pray God uses it to bless all peoples, as we are commanded to do.
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