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The Wind & The Windmill

During my prayer times, have been meditating on how to marry inspiration (the wind) with organization (the windmill),  spontaneity (the wind) with structure (the windmill), the desire for instant results & quick wins (the wind) with lasting fruit and transferable methods (the windmill).  Clearly the wind and the windmill are made for each other.  Without the wind, the windmill sits idle.  No vision, no inspiration, no impetus (the wind), then there's no execution and infrastructure (the windmill) that's needed.  But without the windmill, the wind's power is not harnessed and channelled.

Jesus balanced the two perfectly, and that's what I want to do.  Prophetic with apostolic.  Teaching with shepherding.  Modeling and mentoring.  Cut a channel for the river.  Build a fireplace for the fire, and now, to extend the metaphors, build a windmill for the wind.

Posted on May 8, 2009 at 08:27AM by Registered CommenterRichKao | CommentsPost a Comment

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