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Called to Proclaim

Finished off last message in our Kingdom Series. In it I exhort the church back to the activity of proclaiming the gospel instead of explaining it. Yes, we need explaining and apologetics; I'm not dismissing that (just finished an apologetics series not too long ago). But my recent prayer times have given me a fresh burden for the imperative of proclaiming the kingdom and allowing the Holy Spirit to apply, convict and explain the word.

And when it comes to proclaiming, there are many ways to do it per Jesus' example. Sometimes it's about mercy (thief on the cross), sometimes it's about a new beginning (woman caught in adultery), sometimes it's about saying the tough things (rich young ruler). In each case, context and felt need helps govern the proclamation. Just as there are many "exits" to a city off the highway, so there are many on-ramps to the Kingdom.

Let's get back to proclaiming and calling people to Jesus.  The Holy Spirit will do the rest.  For full message, listen here.

Posted on Apr 6, 2009 at 07:20PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | CommentsPost a Comment

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