Pray for your Kids everyday
Of course we say we pray for our kids. But do we really do it intentionally and regularly, or is it like a "flare" prayer, shoot one up whenever an emergency or crisis happens? We need to see prayer like watering the lawn - do it regularly, consistently and cover every corner.
My exhortation is this: pray for your kids with intention. Pray for them every day like Job did (Job 1:5). Pray for their health, their spiritual well-being and growth. Pray for their intimacy with God. Pray for their destiny. Pray for their future mates. Pray for their homework. Pray for their athletics. Pray for their friendships. Pray for their weaknesses. Pray for their strengths. Pray they become a blessing to God. Pray for their protection from worldliness and impurity. Pray for their joy. Pray for their peace. Pray they'll become leaders and influencers. Pray for yourselves as parents to be the best you can be to them. Pray, pray, pray. The covering, protection, blessing, guidance we impart to them in prayer is priceless. Invest in your kids through prayer.
Reader Comments (1)
Thanks, Rich.