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Skeptics - Part 1

Preaching is part art (maybe mostly art!) and part science (as in preparation).  And it's always fun to see or be surprised by the thing in a message that really speaks to people, when you think it's some other part that will.   In this case,  in my  first installment of "Conversing with Skeptics" series (see previous post), it was  the  "Engel Scale" that really caught people's attention.  In the early 1970's Prof. James Engel of Wheaton College pioneered a new way of looking at evangelism that did two things:  1) Conceptualized in graphical form the progression seekers take to come to faith; 2) (and maybe more importantly), how the new birth of someone is a team effort that requires everyone to help people "move up the scale."  It's not just the gifted evangelist that "closes the deal" and leads someone to Christ that's to be applauded, but all the people that help that person get to that place of openness and receptivity.  I encourage you to download the powerpoint and click along the frames as you listen to the message.  You'll hear about the "Engel Scale" as well as the "rest of the sermon."

Posted on Sep 9, 2008 at 06:28PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | CommentsPost a Comment

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