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Five Kinds of Church Growth

growth_charts.jpgI've always said there are four kinds of church growth, but now I've found a fifth one -- "sideline" growth. What do I mean by this? Having coming to Vancouver, it's amazing the number of Christians that are on the sidelines, not going to church and out of the game. For some of them, they've been unattached to a church for years. Then some thing quickens them and they feel the need to find a church again. So they join a church, but not because they came from another church or just got saved. They're coming in off the bench. They're tired of the sidelines. May more and more get back in the game. Vancouver needs to thin out it's sidelines and pack the field!

1. Transfer Growth - church growth from members moving from one church to another.

2. Conversion Growth - church growth from people getting saved.

3. Renewal Growth - church growth from people shifting to a spirit-filled experience.

4. Biological Growth - church growth due to families having more kids.

5. Sideline Growth - church growth due to re-engagement and reconnection.


Posted on Jul 8, 2008 at 10:03AM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | CommentsPost a Comment

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