Apple Mania!
There's not a company in the world that can generate buzz like Apple can about a "developer's conference." This is not a consumer's convention, it's a conference for under-the-hood software and hardware engineers that make Apple products work. It's a conference for geeks, not mainstream public, and yet it generates rock concert level publicity. How do they do it? Two (actually three) words: Secrecy and Track Record. Steve Jobs is the master at holding his cards til the last possible moment, and then laying down his "royal flush." Time and time again, it's a royal flush -- think iMac, ipod, iTunes, and most recently iPhone. As a result, he builds this incredible anticipation every time he speaks -- everyone wants to see his cards, and track record has shown, not only does he rarely disappoint, but he exceeds expectations. What do you get? One of the best stocks in the last 10 years. Around the block attendance at Apple store openings (see Vancouver opening here - this is so typical!), and awards upon award for their products. Mr. Jobs himself is one of the most highly decorated CEO's in the world. What does this have to do with me? I'm waiting with baited breathe for Mr. Jobs keynote address on Monday June 9th. I'm just as geeky and rabid a fan as the guy next door. To be honest, I look forward to Mr. Jobs address like I do watching Tiger on Sunday afternoon. I will be at Apple's site at noon on June 9th to watch the streamed address, and if it's live, I'll watch it live. It's so fun to experience it live! Last thought, the invite card shown here is perfect picture of how Apple generates anticipation - teases your imagination and alludes to something great. Two golden gate bridges? So what will Apple pull out of its hat (and my wallet!).
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