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Mentoring Myself


I want to be a fruitful Christian.

Well-known pastor Bill Hybels once stated the most difficult discipline of a leader is leading oneself, or "self-leadership."  Then recently, in the area of discipleship, Mr. Hybels stated one of the most important ingredients to discipleship is "self-feeding." There is something about discipline that can easily get away from us.  As Jesus said, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

One of the ways I encourage myself in my walk is to regularly, almost daily visit Peter's path to spiritual maturity in 2 Peter 1:4-8  (see post in Leadership Skill category "Making Disciples the Peter Way.").  This is literally my grid for self-governance. 

I do several things to personalize and knead this passage into my life.


I've commited Peter's path to memory.  I know all eight qualities needed to become a growing, fruitful Christian, in the order that Peter states it.  This allows me to reflect on the eight qualities whenever I need to without having to refer to my bible.

2nd, I judge myself against these qualities to see how I'm doing.  Yes, I judge myself - to discern the good and the evil in me; to chastise myself or encourage myself.  Mind you, when I say I judge myself, I mean that I'm doing it as best as I can in the spirit of prayer, and in the presence of God, so it's He who is judging me, and not myself.  And when I say "chastise" myself, I'm not referring to self-effort or works, but a spurning on of myself in the light of God.

3rd, I remind myself to trust in the process.  Like King David said in Ps. 1, "like a tree planted by water that yields its fruit in it's season"...I need to be patient with the process. Because God's word has given us these words of life, I need not fear they won't work, but rather they will work spectacularly if I just rest in it. 

4th, I try to connect each of the eight words to the larger framework of the bible, to other doctrines, meta-themes, bible characters, and lessons to deepen my understanding.

This I can say...as I've given myself to this path of "discipling myself," there is like a wall of strength that grows around me.  There is deepening of Jesus' character in my life.  If I tend to the seed, it's impossible that the fruit won't come out. I can begin to sense the apostolic authority inherent in Peter's words.  To have a way to be successful as a Christian, experientially and not just positionally, fills me with gratitude and deep joy. 

It all begins with diligence. 

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Posted on May 26, 2008 at 09:37PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | Comments1 Comment

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faith and peace to you

May 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKudzu Fire

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