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The Gifted Church - Part 2

Here are the 5 pillars to building a strong church, based on Eph 4:11.  My original intention as posted in my first "Gifted Church" entry was to put these 5 points into question form, but I thought for the sake of brevity and efficiency, it would be better to state them as points of instructions.  Here they are, each followed by 3 sub-points, which I will leave undeveloped at this time.

1. Build your church on a strong PULPIT.

    This is the truth or teaching ministry. 

    a.  Sunday morning is crucial - you need to have a "high" view of preaching.

    b.  Work hard at being a good communicator.

    c.  Provide materials for your people so they can feed themselves.

2. Build your church on God's manifest PRESENCE.

    This is the prophetic ministry.

    a.  Develop a strong worship ministry that understands the prophetic.

    b.  Develop your prayer ministry.

    c.  Nurture and model charismatic theology.

3. Build your church on a PEOPLE movement.

    This is the pastoral / shepherding ministry.

    a.  Make sure your people are healthy (cared for, access to counseling, in fellowship).

    b.  Make sure your people are equipped to serve.

    c.  Help each member find a job to do in the church.

4. Build your church on PURPOSE.

    This is the apostles ministry. 

    a. What's your mission? (where do you want to take the church?)

    b. What's your "mantra?"  (have a memorable saying that captures what you're about?)

    c. What's your path for making disciples?

5. Build your church on a passion to impact the PUBLIC place.

    This is the evangelist's ministry. 

    a. What strategy fits your team?

    b. What strategy fits your church?

    c. What strategy fits your area?

When finances and size of your church permit, try to hire staff gifted in each of these five areas, or appoint lay people that have anointing and skills in these respective categories.   Planting, building and nurturing churches around these five priorities is what the gifted church is all about, what the New Testament Church is all about.  It's God's design, and it's timeless.  

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Posted on Apr 20, 2008 at 11:21PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | CommentsPost a Comment

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