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Why I Buy DVD's

I've realized that I've developed a philosophy of buying DVD movies.  Here's why:

1. I like the jackets and jewel case.  I like the descriptions on the covers and the visual confirmation of the movie I'm going to see.  

2. I like the guaranteed quality of the DVD versus the pirated stuff.  I like the extra features, scenes, director's cut, language options, ability to pick where you want to start the movie, and different angles.  You just plain get a value added product.

3. I like the feeling of being legal.

4. I like being able to watch a movie multiple times for no extra charge.

5. I like the look of the DVD library that sits on my shelf (it's really my only collector's bent I know of).

6. I like being able to take DVD's on the road, as opposed to having seen it in the theater, but no record to fall back on.

7.  I love the value proposition.  You can get a DVD for $15 or less (my usual threshold), and view it mulitiple times with multiple people, saving so much money compared to if you went to the theater to see it.  E.g. my little boy Matthew has proably watched "Over the Hedge" 10x or more.  That's nearly $70 in movie tickets.  Instead I paid $15.

8. I love buying a product for $15 that cost typically $50 million or more to make.  Unbelievable. 

Posted on Mar 3, 2008 at 11:20PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | CommentsPost a Comment

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