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Gangs of New York

51N75Q5P9EL._AA240_.jpgDuring a recent ministry trip to North Carolina, I watched Gangs of New York on my MacBook laptop.   Heard lotsa of critical acclaim, and thought I'd make it a point to watch it.  Daniel Day-Lewis was awesome,  Cameron Diaz was forgettable (how shocking), and Leonardo (whom I like as an actor in general) was competent.  Story line was not as taut or riveting as I was led to believe, and there was completely unncessary gratutious skin scenes.    What kept me going through the whole movie was Daniel Day-Lewis as the heartless, ruthless keeper of "American" pride during the influx of Irish immigrants into New York in the late 1800's (I believe).  I guess, he's a total devotee of "method acting"  (staying in character the entire time of shooting!).   The method seems to really work for him.  I guess his most recent Oscar win validates his skill as a top tier actor.  I was impressed.  B minus for the movie, and don't let your kids watch it; that's for sure.

Posted on Mar 3, 2008 at 10:59PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | CommentsPost a Comment

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