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Great Church Stats - Very Informative

Here's a great site for church stats by the Hartford Institute for Religion Research.

What's the average church size?  75

How many congregations are there in America? 335,000

If your church is under 100 members, you're in the 60th percentile.

If your church is between 100-500 members, you're in top 35% percentile.

If your church is over 500 people, you're in the top 4% percentile.

How much do much pastors make?  Small church pastors average just over $31,000 in total compensation.  Large church pastors (1000 or more members) make just under $82,000.  Interesting factoid:  Jewish rabbis make more than Catholic priests and Protestant pastors combined!

For more interesting and informative stats, check it out here.

Posted on Dec 27, 2008 at 11:07PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in , | CommentsPost a Comment

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