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Meaningful Actions On Christmas

We did 4 new things this year as a family that added a deeper level of meaning to Christmas.

1. We had "giving piles" instead of "getting piles."  Instead of everyone gathering their gifts in a pile to open, we made piles of gifts they were giving to everyone in the family.  So Dad had a pile of gifts he gave away, Mom had her giving pile...on down to Matthew.  A simple way to emphasize Christmas is about giving not receiving.  Pastor Steve Murrell put me on to this.

2. We adopted an orphan and a minister to support in China.

3. We gathered up the "gleanings of our harvest" and the "crops in the corner" to give to the poor (Lev. 23:22, Lev. 19:9), meaning we bundled up all our extra clothing, toys, books, electronics to give to families in need.  We had a "Christmas cleaning" instead of a Spring cleaning.

4. We fed the poor and homeless on Christmas day.

Posted on Dec 25, 2008 at 03:35PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | CommentsPost a Comment

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