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7 Incredible Church Buildings

The best of 2008 according to Ministries Today.  Pictures and articles posted at Ken Schaffer's blog. http://churchrelevance.com/7-innovative-church-buildings-in-america/

Who wouldn't want to pastor in these churches?  Wow!  (But...see next post)

Ministry Today has published a subjective list of the seven most innovative church buildings in America. The online article goes into detail about each church building but does not include any photos. So I scoured the Web for photos so you could have a glimpse at a few of these innovative church buildings.

#1 :: Northland A Church Distributed (Longwood, FL)
Photo Credits: Mark Beeson, G Jackson Lights, and the church website.

Northland A Church Distributed’s Worship

Northland A Church Distributed Auditorium

Northland A Church Distributed Auditorium

Northland A Church Distributed Auditorium

#2 :: Living Water Community Church (Bolingbrook, IL)
Photo Credit: Wildesign Group Architects via Flickr.
UDPATE: Original photos taken by Aspen Group.

Living Water Community Church Auditorium

Living Water Community Church Lobby

Living Water Community Church Children’s Ministry

#3 :: New Beginnings Christian Center (Portland, OR)
Photo Credit: Building God’s Way.

New Beginning Christian Center

#4 :: Victory Christian Center (Tulsa, OK)
Photo Credits: Daniels and Daniels Construction and the church website.

Victory Christian Center Exterior

Victory Christian Center Interior

#5 :: Parkway Christian Church (Surprise, AZ)
Photo Credit: CCBG Architects.

Parkway Christian Church Exterior

Parkway Christian Church Exterior

#6 :: The Vineyard Church (Urbana, IL)
Photo Credit: Aspen Group.

The Vineyard Church Auditorium

The Vineyard Church Lobby

#7 :: Cornerstone Christian Fellowship (Chandler, AZ)
Photo Credit: Rowland Companies.

Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Exterior

Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Interior

For explanations why Ministry Today calls these seven church buildings the “most innovative in America,” check out their online article. They certainly are some cutting-edge facilities, but I also know that there are quite a few other remarkably innovative church buildings around the world.

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    7 Incredible Church Buildings - RichKao.org -

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