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The Purple Cow

"How to be a purple cow in a field of monochrome Holsteins."  by Seth Godin

Another fun book by Seth (who btw has the most read business blog on the web) on how to become a "purple cow" i.e one that is remarkable and stands out above the rest.

Using great stories, case studies and insights, Seth drives the point home.  He has a unique way of looking at things; the ability to see the flipside of things in a way that's intuitively unintuitive.

The book forces me to think about how to bring out the "purple" in the church and to make her shine for Jesus.

While there are many great examples of "purple cows" listed in the book (one of my favorites:  Dutch Boy's new square, easy & dripless pour paint can - a no brainer, purple cow innovation.  Why didn't someone think of this before!), in the end "coming up" with a purple cow is more art than science. 

As it applies to the church, I like the idea that the "purple cow" has to come from the Holy Spirit.  Not that we don't actively and progressively use our brains and talent (we must), but it's the Holy Spirit that knows the hearts and seasons of men, and how to fuse it into something tangible and remarkable.  I'm in anticipation of the next "purple cow and cows" for our church and the Church.   That's the fun in church planting...hitting on the eureka moments and seeing lives changed.

Posted on Nov 17, 2008 at 01:45PM by Registered CommenterRichKao in | CommentsPost a Comment

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