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Getting Your Financial House in Order

One of my favorite topics to teach on over the years has been finances and getting ones financial house in order.  The basics are simple:  get out of debt, live below your means, control your appetites (spending), live within your budget, be an aggressive saver, always tithe, never use credit card debt, and never take a loan out for depreciating items.

60 Minutes just posted several great little 1-2 minute segments / lessons by Dave Ramsey, well known financial expert (a Christian), on these very topics.  View here. I encourage you to refresh yourself in them, and make a plan to follow them if you aren't already doing so. 

With the $700 billion crisis casting a long shadow over our friends south of us (and affecting the whole world), this is a great time to look clear-mindedly about your finances (hopefully, it's not too late).

Posted on Oct 5, 2008 at 03:36PM by Registered CommenterRichKao | CommentsPost a Comment

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