Missional Charismatics
Acts 1:8 says you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be my witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth. There are two essential moving parts here: the charismatic dynamic and the missional dynamic. Which one serves the other, or which one is subservient to the other is important in that it helps us strike the proper biblical balance God wants us to have.
#1 - We're not just called to be "charismatics" for "charismatics" sake. That leads to flakiness.
#2 - We're not called be missional just for missional sake. That can turn humanistic.
#3 - We are called to be missional charismatics, i.e. the baptism, power, and gifts of the Spirit are given for a purpose: to be missional, to express and expands God's kingdom on earth.
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