Entries in General Bucket (64)
Day 11 - PPS
Prayer: "Lord, grant me wisdom to build your house, and understanding to make it sure one." Prov. 24:3-4
Contemplating refreshing our discipleship path process. Thinking diagrams and definitions.
Nothing beats God's creation. Darwin loses.
I've never seen a bald eagle look so maternal. Live here.
Amazing and inspirational.
Amazing and inspirational. Really moving. This one will make it into one of my messages some place, some time.
Day 8 - PPS
Joh 13:35 “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” This verse is creating some shifting in my thinking about outreach.
Also, the three critical needs of every believer is becoming clearer to me. I feel so empowered. I feel like I could actually build a house.
Day 7 - PPS
Applying Good to Great - Social Sector (Jim Collins) grid. Fabulous stuff. Really helps you stay on track. "Jesus, help us gain traction for you." Thinking Hedgehog stuff right now, and feeling the juice.