Entries in Exhortations / Prophetic (6)
Lee Grady Nails It
Becoming a Trumpet of the Lord
While listening to an old Billy Graham sermon, I was challenged to be a faithful herald of the pure gospel.
few weeks ago I watched a vintage Billy Graham sermon from the 1950s
that aired on television. I said to a friend who was with me that I
rarely hear the gospel articulated today as clearly as we did through
this amazing evangelist. A few days later, for my birthday, my buddy
sent me three recorded Graham sermons that are now available on DVD.
Last weekend I watched one of the messages, from Graham’s
1971 crusade at McCormick Place in Chicago. The shag haircuts, huge
afros and bright polyester fabrics in the audience looked odd, and the
music performed before the sermon was almost prehistoric (Norma Zimmer
from The Lawrence Welk Show!). The cultural references included a mention of the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar and a remark about Ocean’s 1970 hippie ballad, “Put Your Hand in the Hand.”
But when Graham held his big Bible in the air and preached
about the uniqueness of Jesus Christ in that packed arena (still the
largest exhibition hall in the country), nothing seemed outdated. The
sermon might as well have been recorded yesterday. His message, in
fact, seemed more relevant than a lot of the Christian books, videos,
blogs and PowerPoint-enhanced teachings we circulate in 2008.
“My heart cries out for the American church to stop muddling, muffling, cheapening, distorting and merchandising the pure gospel.” |
to Graham stirs something deep inside me: a passion to preach, and to
be a herald of truth to my generation. My heart cries out for the
American church to stop muddling, muffling, cheapening, distorting and
merchandising the pure gospel. How we need to return to the simplicity
of evangelism that cuts to the heart, produces repentance and reveals
the Son of God.
For several months I’ve been asking the Lord to make me his
trumpet. In my quest He’s shown me some of the qualities that shaped
biblical prophets into His mouthpieces. I pray all of us will adopt
these same characteristics.
1. A prophet is bold. True
prophets have steel backbones and foreheads of flint. They do not cower
when the majority disagrees with them. Like the apostle Paul, they are
compelled to preach because a holy restlessness churns inside them.
They are possessed by God, and they must release the fire inside. Will
you pray for this boldness and say with Isaiah, “Here am I, send me”
(Is. 6:8, NASB)—even when you know you will be opposed?
2. A prophet stays biblical. So
much of what is passed off as prophecy today resembles what you might
find in a daily horoscope. The so-called “prophetic movement” in the
contemporary church has been tainted by silly fads and charismatic
witchcraft. One prophetic e-mail list sent out a word recently saying
that dormant angels were being awakened out of the walls of our
churches. (That’s not remotely scriptural.) Another predicted that God
would begin to speak to people through the names of candy bars and blue
So much of our prophetic verbiage sounds like warm and fuzzy
fortunetelling. This type of “imitation prophecy” can titillate and
thrill those with itching ears, but it is pablum designed for babies
who don’t want to grow up. What we need is a word we can sink our teeth
into—true meat that is the Word of God.
3. A prophet does not compromise. Nathan
was willing to confront King David’s sin, even though the prophet was
on the palace payroll. Yet today, we practice the “you scratch my back,
I’ll scratch yours” rule. We prophesy what people want to hear so we
can get an honorarium and an invitation to return. This has caused some
whole groups of prophets to collectively follow each other into a ditch.
Beware of the herd mentality! Don’t just swallow and follow!
You cannot go along with something just because everyone else is doing
it or preaching it. Stay close to the Lord, develop keen discernment
and listen to the nagging voice of your conscience.
4. A prophet is compassionate. Some
prophets today refuse to confront because they are too nice. Others
speak rashly “like the thrusts of a sword” (see Prov. 12:18) and their
words are delivered with a bitter, vindictive spirit. Neither of these
prophets will receive his reward. We must speak the truth, and we must
do it in love.
Most people think Jeremiah was angry and judgmental, but
actually he wept when he confronted Israel’s sins. It is not enough to
prophesy the Lord’s word—we should aim to speak with His tone of voice.
We must be willing to intercede for and identify with those we confront.
5. A prophet stays pure. When
Moses made the tabernacle, God told him to make silver trumpets that
were “hammered work” (Num. 10:2). If we want to speak for Him, we must
be willing to endure the smelting process. (In other words, prepare to
be hammered!) Before Isaiah could be an effective prophet to his
nation, his lips had to touch burning coals from God’s altar (see Is.
6:6-8). We must be willing to visit the uncomfortable furnace of
God is not so much interested in the booming voice, the
rousing delivery, the charisma or the technological savvy that we
expect today from celebrity preachers. What matters most is pure
content, and that can only flow through a pure vessel.
6. A prophet faithfully embraces the call. Jonah
tried to flee as far as possible from Nineveh, but the God of the
second chance used a strange vessel to get the prophet back on course.
It involved a visit to a fish’s stomach, where Jonah spent three days
in darkness, stewing in digestive juices. When the fish vomited him on
land, he was better prepared to speak heaven’s words.
Like Jonah, the American church has been running from our
evangelistic mission. We charismatics get excited about prophecy,
angels, healing, visions, dreams, gold dust and prosperity, but when it
comes to winning souls we’re not interested. Like Jonah, we’ve boarded
a ship for Tarshish—and we’ve put unbelievers in peril by our
Now is the time for us to reclaim our role as trumpets for
the Lord. May we take up the mantle of Billy Graham and speak to our
generation with boldness, biblical integrity, character, compassion,
purity and faithfulness.
J. Lee Grady is the editor of Charisma. To order the Billy Graham DVDs, go to billygraham.org.
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Posted on Jul 24, 2008 at 05:17PM
in Exhortations / Prophetic
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