35 Lessons I've Grown Up With
Sep 21, 2011 at 09:08PM
RichKao in Teaching

1. Always vote for education.
2. If in doubt, order prime rib.
3. Always get out of debt as quickly as possible.
4. Work first, work hard, then play.
5. Read lots.
6. Be loyal to your friends.
7. Never forget your roots.
8. Always remember the author of the books you read.
9. Never pay a bill late.  Never.
10. Don't dress like a slob.
11. Learn Chinese.
12. Go to a good school.
13. Don't put your feet on the table.
14. Exercise daily.
15. See the good in people.
16. Read the NYT or International Herald Tribune.
17. Enjoy sidewalk cafes.
18. Never shirk your responsibility.
19. Be early to appointments.
20. Never be lazy.
21. Be self-motivated; be productive always.
22. Enjoy rum cake.
23. Be loyal to your football team.
24. Be a high achiever.
25. Travel lots.
26. Be an influencer.
27. Speak well.
28. Pay in cash.
29. Be humble.
30. Be hospitable; throw good parties.
31. Honor your parents.
32. Be a giver.
33. Keep a journal.
34. Have integrity.
35. Empty the garbage can completely, and the stuff around it.

(Thanks Mom & Dad)


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