Top 10 Reasons to Tithe & Give
Dec 13, 2010 at 04:57PM
RichKao in Leadership Skills, Teaching

Pastors, here's a quick review you can use to encourage your people as the year winds up.  Fellow Christians, here's a tune-up if your worship doesn't include your finances.

1. I want a tax benefit. (practical)

2. Following what my parents did. (tradition)

3. I want to include God in my finances. (maturity)

4. I want to break greed in my life. (treasure)

5. I want to break fear in my life. (faith)

6. I love my church & want to support it.  (family)

7. Scriptures says to do it. (obedience)

8. I want to advance the kingdom. (vision)

9. Stewardship – it’s not my money. (Lordship)

10. I love God - it’s part of my worship. (affection)

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