Video-resourced church. With so many fantastic video resources out there, I'm thinking out loud whether we should be an aggregator of the best video resources for our congregation, and as way for people to "taste test" our church first, or just feed at a distance until they're ready to engage in a full-orb church experience in person (which is the end-goal for everyone).
You've got ready to launch. You've got (Andy Stanley) ready to launch. You've got Mark Driscoll at Mars Hill out there. You've got Craig Groeschel out there. And you've got me, a local pastor! All fabulous resources. And here's the deal: They all have huge kingdom hearts and want to share their resources for free. Our access as earthlings to biblical anointed teaching is unprecedented in history, and I mean that literally. But would it be a sidetrack or a servant? Could it really help make Jesus famous in our city? (our governing purpose).
I'm church planting in Vancouver. I love it. Been at it 5.5 years now. Our church is at a cozy 80 people, but we are a rockin 80 people, and I'm not just putting a positive spin on it. I could go on and on about this...but I'll control myself and leave it for now.
I need your help? Please tell me if you've become a VRC and how you did it? What were some keys? What were the failures. Is it even worth trying? Have you been wildly or moderately successful? Get down to details. How do you do small groups with it? Sunday services? Do you use live streaming? Web-based? Do you use big-screen monitors? Make available on iphone?
We are a techno-savvy, technology loving church. And our western culture is bent that way, so the bigger frame is there to try something like this.
Lastly, here's why I'm pondering this: Jn 3:1-2 says Nicodemus came to Jesus "by night." There are many that are hungry for God, but for various reasons need the "cover of night" to start the process of engaging God. To me, implementing a VRC is a possible way to reach the Nicodemus' in our city.
Feedback. Please leave comments and thoughts, even if it's one line or a link to further the discussion.