(Adapted from "Leadership Gold" by John Maxwell)
One of the most penetrating questions we can ask ourselves is what will leave behind after we die? What will our legacy be? How will people summarize our life? In my message this past Sunday, I exhorted dad's to make fatherhood their legacy, and to deposit something indispensable in their children's lives by loving God, loving their wives, and loving their children - in that order. Fatherhood is so important to God that the last verse in the Old Testament talks about a coming revival of Fatherhood. Without good dads, our families will decay, our society will decay, our culture will decay. Fatherhood is that consequential. Most people don't know that the foundation of Tiger Woods success is not his skills, but his dad's love and nurture of him as a person. That's a vivid picture of the power of fatherhood. When Tiger hoists a trophy, that's not his legacy, it's his dad's. Full message here.