An Inconvenient Truth
May 27, 2009 at 12:06AM
RichKao in General Bucket, Movie Reviews

I saw the DVD in it's entirety today.  I liked it on several levels.  1) Never seen Al Gore so natural and passionate.  He probably would have won the election had he just communicated like he did in this video, vs his wooden campaign style. Refreshing.  2) His use of slides, video, pictures, graphics were outstanding; course it helps to have world class professionals help you craft the presentation.  3) As a scientist, I liked his attempt to draw on science, and speak from depth and data, but not having heard or examined the "other side" I just can't swallow his message hook, line and sinker.  4) However, I liked the overall tone and message that there are things we can do to be good stewards of the earth.  Why not?  Why plunder and pillage and live like it won't make a difference?  Call it creation care or whatever you like, but living in ways that are responsibly materialistic in my mind is a biblical concept.  5) Lastly, where do I land on the global warming issue?  To be honest, my personal experience matches up more with the global warming advocates than those that are against it.   Since my childhood days, I've seen the weather get wonkier, seasons are not as predictable, there are greater catastrophic weather events, sections of the ice shelf breaking off is indeed troubling, and temperatures seem to gyrate more wildly.   This is decidely visceral but my experience would tend to corroborate the global warming theory, not contradict it.  In the meantime, for me to change my ways to be a good global citizen is hardly a hardship, and as far as I can tell, there's only upside to it, and possibly a heroic one at that.

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