Websites that have changed the way I work & live
May 24, 2009 at 08:59AM
RichKao in Leadership Skills

1. Google - the world is our library; instant search for anything; helps with my sermon researching.

2. Facebook / Twitter - the world is connected; staying in touch with friends by the trivial, and sometimes something substantial! It's great.  One does feel closer.

3. INGDirect, etc  - the world of finance is at our fingertips; I love paying bills, saving, investing and managing money online, 24/7 (it's relaxing at 1am in the morning!); gotta love being able to auto-pay, save or invest.

4. Amazon - the world is our bookstore; stack up books in shopping cart over a few weeks, ship right to your door.  gotta love the free shipping.  (also reading recommendations on any book gives you a great overview without having to buy the book)

5. RSS - Helps me keep up with a world of news, ideas, info at a glance and helps me decide whether to drill down for more detail.

6. Blogs - the world is our publishing house; typepad, wordpress, blogger, squarespace, homestead, wix, posterous, I've tried them all; they all have their strengths and weaknesses.   Currently using SS, typepad and posterous.

7. Google maps - the world can be located - switched from Mapquest a while back.  I don't even use my GPS.

8. Foxmarks - my info world unified - syncs all my websites and passwords between desktops and laptops.  Beautiful.

9. TinyURL - the world wide web can be referenced; great little URL character reducer.

10. Wikipedia - a primer for nearly any subject in the world - great starting point.

11. NWA, Expedia - traveling the world has never been easier.

12. KeepVid - download the youtube video's for sermon clips. 

13. YouTube - the world's video respository.  Great cultural resource.

14. Bookmarks - helps organize all my websites.

15. Roberts Bible Reading Plan - best bible reading program I've used; use it side by side with ESV study bible online.


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