Why I'm starting to Love Twitter more than Facebook
May 11, 2009 at 06:13PM

#1 - Twitter's micro-bloggin format allows me to get updates on friends, without all the blasted info-clutter of FB.

#2 - Twiitter allows me a peak into influencial and famous people's world in a way that is fascinating, informative and inspiring (e.g. Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO; Stewart Cink, pro golfer,  Newt Gringrich - political thinker; Chris Anderson, Curator of TED).

#3 - Twitter allows me to get great content, leads, quotes, links from those I follow, effectively acting as a culling mechanism for the best ideas, practices, trends that are emerging.

#4 - Per #3 - Those I follow effectively act as a quasi "research team" feeding me with new ideas, inspiration, encouragement, stories that put gas in my tank (e.g. Mark Driscoll / Resurgence).  It multiplies my reach greatly.

#5 - Twitter helps personalize you to people, which strengthens connections and makes you more accessible & human to people.  That's worth a lot when you can't meet everyone.  Hence, Twitter is a time multiplier.

#6 - Twitter, as has been greatly documented, is a great marketing / awareness tool.

#7 - Twiiter allows me to get breaking world and national news.

#8 - Twitter posts are more entertaining than FB.

#9 - Twitter posts are more educational than FB.

#10 - Twitter's search function of what's being twittered in real time is amazing.  Like an instant poll on any subject. Like a mini-google function for the Twitter world.

#11 - Love the RT (re-tweet function); allows you to pass on the love.

#12 - It's easy to use, easy to learn site; took me 2 months to get use to FB, and I'm techno-savvy.

Article originally appeared on (http://richkao.squarespace.com/).
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