Growing Burden for My Local Church
Apr 7, 2009 at 07:48PM
RichKao in Church Planting, Leadership Skills

I love my church.  Course as the pastor, that's how it should be.  But I'm talking from my personal point of view, not because I have to.  My affections for my church are much like my affections for my own family.  I want everyone to grow, prosper, mature, experience life, reach for the stars and climb new mountains.  That would be my greatest joy.   The church is not about me, it's about "them." (and God of coarse).   The church does not exist for my vision, my ministry, my success.  It exists to be a blessing to be God's people.

I'm aching to see the church bust out and come into its own.  I'm aching for the church to take on a life that's independent of me.  I'm aching for the church to grow in numbers.  I'm aching for the church to experience a critical mass of people, a buzz that comes from a company of people being passionately in love with Jesus.  I'm aching for my city, and hoping of a day where the Church becomes a place where the multitudes can't wait to get to.  

Personal prayer:  "God, may you not only increase this burden in me, but also grant me the wisdom and insight and anointing and skill to do what I can to facilitate this dream.  Why wait Lord?  Why not now?  If not us, then please release someone else, another group, other people to raise up an awesome Jesus rockin church to touch this city.  I just want to see you worshiped and lifted up."

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