A 6th Operating Principle of the Incubator Church
Dec 30, 2009 at 01:09PM

Besides the first five principles previously posted, here is a sixth one:  HIGH ATMOSPHERE.

Creating the right environment is critical for outreach, receptivity, excellence, impact and power.  There are generally speaking two kinds of atmospheres:

1. Natural atmosphere.

This is about lighting, temperature, colors, presentation, traffic flow, signage, space usage, sight lines, seating, bathrooms, monitors, facilities, and more.  You get the idea.  Natural atmosphere is critical, but only a means to an end.  Natural atmosphere helps set a mood, put people at ease, minimize their stress, makes them more open, relaxed, and receptive.  While natural atmosphere is means to an end, it is nevertheless a POTENT means.  Great restaurants, stores, have great natural atmostpheres.  It helps generate buzz, excitement, and a sense of happening.  It's step one in helping people to be receptive to God; it's the invisible lifting that goes before anyone even steps into your buildling or facility.

2. Spiritual Atmosphere.

Worship, music, prayer, anointing, presence of God, sense of life, vision, momentum.  This is where spiritual atmosphere takes over from the natural.  in the end, an encounter with God is a spiritual transaction that occurs inside the chambers of people's heart.  This is where the Holy Spirit moves, woos, convicts and convinces.  This happens, not just because the lights are dimmed correctly, but b/c the staff has prayed into the situation, the preacher has preached into the situation, and the mission of the church has incubated the atmosphere so the "intagible" but very real sense of God is there to help Christians grow deeper, fuller, and stronger, while the seeker is "inexplicable" drawn to yield, surrender and passionately commit to new life in Jesus.

Working hard at creating "high atmosphere" is critical to being an impactful church.  It's part of the Incubator Church's DNA.  This principle is for big or small churches, but may be even more doable and powerful for small, boutique churches.  Natural atmosphere are also more important in first world countries, and less so in underdeveloped countries, but spiritual atmosphere is paramount wherever churches are planted.

Article originally appeared on (http://richkao.squarespace.com/).
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