More Than Conquerers
Jan 31, 2009 at 09:18AM
RichKao in Teaching

When Paul says we are "more than conquerers" in Rom. 8:37, he's referring to the highest kind of strength: inner strength.  That's where real toughness lies.  Not in external muscle, but in an inner capacity to overcome all obstacles.  And where does that fuel come for inner power?  In the knowledge that we are loved by God unconditionally as demonstrated by God sending Jesus to justify and pay for our sins and sinfulness by dying on the cross, which was part of the grand plan to redeem us and glorify us (Rom. 8:31-35).  Whenever we are going though trials, we can draw on this knowledge for strength, encouragement and comfort.  God is always with us and working things out for good (Rom. 8:28,38-39). As a result of this knowledge, we can not only weather all manner of trials in this life, but we can do it with honor and grace.  The pain of trials is no less, but the capacity to go through it is infinitely better.  Dissipation is about going around pain.  Grace is about going through it.  And that's what makes us more than conquerers.  We own it, it doesn't own us.  Access the knowledge and you will be more than a conquerer.

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