Your Life for your Wife
Jan 29, 2009 at 08:26PM
RichKao in Marriage

Eph 5:25 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her."

Here's a tip for you husbands...

Your second vocation starts after you leave your first vocation. When you walk through the door after you've come home from work, yes, you are tired and need some down time, but your second vocation starts...being there for your wife. Conversation. Helping with dishes. Settling disputes (if you have kids). Going over the family calendar. Listening to her tough day.  Telling her about your day (This can take work! but they want to know; inclusion is the principle here).  It's not easy to think in this way, but it's part of loving our wives as Christ loved the church.  Putting down the newspaper.  Turning off the TV.   Picking up the vacuum cleaner.  We take care of the needs around us first, and then ourselves second.    It's not always easy, but we're built for it.  If we ever get frustrated with our wives, think about how God could get frustrated with us.  Then think about He tends to us.  Christ is still laying His life down for us.   Be strong guys...your life for your wife.

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