Digital Town Hall
Jan 22, 2009 at 01:08PM
RichKao in Church Planting, Leadership Skills

Ok...We're going public with our idea, right here!  This is part post, part an invitation to come and join us.

Part of our strategy in building a "flat & happy" church is to leverage technology and Web 3.0 tools to connect and build community in our church and around the city. Can't build a building? No problem, we have ways.

Whoosh! Introducing our Digital Town Hall concept where our church's internet destination is not a website but a Town Hall, where you can connect with others. Blog away. Twitter hourly. Post pictures. Upload a video. Write a review. Contribute to our Wiki.  Download resources for your impact group. Access training videos. Connect to our online seminary. Find great meetings spots. Listen to a sermon.  Even grab a digital cup of coffee. 

And here's where we need your help.  Calling all programmers, coders, techno-geeks that drink Jolt and eat Doritos for breakfast.  We love you and we need you!  There's awesome new flash and 3D technology emerging, new social media elements and tools, new connectivity arcs we've never seen before, and we'd like to incorporate and meld it into a rocking Town Hall site. 

Pay?  Zero.  This is a revolution. 

Move to Vancouver?  You don't need to...we'll do this work colloboratively across time zones and countries if we need to. 

Upside?  Bragging rights to being part of a cross-functional, grass roots, multi-time zone, cross-generational, inter-disciplinary, transnational team that builds the first ever Digital Town Hall that could be used as a pattern for other organizations, businesses, NGO's, universities and more around the world.  We might actually get rich together!

If you're interested, email me at  If you know of someone that would be interested, send them this post.  If you want to post it in your local Craigs' list city, go for it.  

Let the revolution begin.  

Let it be said it started with you!

Article originally appeared on (
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